Monday, November 12, 2012

Marks and Spencer Christmas Ads 2012

Oh mon dieu. Non, non, non. Marks and Spencer, what are you doing?

In my previous post I said I really wanted to see those food salivating Marks and Spencer TV Christmas ads. But. What did I come across? 'The Greatest Hits This Christmas' - A Boring. TV. Ad. I have read a couple of reviews and I totally agree with those reviewers. The music mash did not go well together. They went from a Christmasy song to some very modern songs, which in my opinion didn't really go well together. Hmmmm, I think the person arranging the music didn't have any insight. They should've asked a professional DJ to have a listen .. Or at least ask a famous conductor / composer who has a good ear to popular music... But by far, the only good thing about this ad are the adult and children models, and the beautiful clothes AND the dancing... 

If you haven't seen it in my previous post, here it is again:

M&S you have disappointed me this Christmas. I stamp my feet like a two year old and stick my tongue out like a grown up. :P I really wanted to see a big food ad like the ones you had produced many years ago. Sometimes change is not always good...

On a further note, they have released 48 "TVads" for their website. Would you spend money on 48 different Christmas adverts? I don't think so, and I hope they don't do anymore. I'm not going to show all the videos here but I have watched all 48 of them on YouTube... Oh how exciting. Not.

My favourites: 

I quite like this ad
This next ad reminded me of someone doing origami! ^^ I was quite happy about this one.

In this next ad, I find this guy to be quite cheeky who is talking about the wines for M&S.
And the best ones had to be the kids ads... No talking in these ones... Just kids playing :)

My not-so-favourites, that I thought were quite boring... Well, there were actually quite a lot but here's just a couple...

I find this chef quite boring to listen to. Hardly a tone of excitement, although he smiles in some of the videos.

This one is actually emotionless (I find that some of the people talking in these videos quite emotionless, bored - probably after doing so many takes, and not appealing to the public).

The in-betweeners 

And these are the ads that could just get away with it...

One more thing... I was really tired of hearing them say "We've done all the hard work for you" - quite an irritating phrase! Why not say "M&S knows best"? Or say something really quirky like... (I can't think right now - but I will think of something!).

Here's the playlist if you want to view all of them (that's if you really have nothing to do for an hour and a half ¬_¬"):