On to Sir Goat!
The next step that I decided to do was his horns and hoofs. Not really knowing how to make the color of actual goat horns, I decided to go with a mix that I'm more familiar with and that I enjoy using. Shown here is PG's Bone Mix, outlined in the Forces: Cryx book. I didn't follow every step (skipping a shade), but I think it looks just fine.
- Colors Used:
- Base: Jack Bone
- Shade: Wash of Cryx Bane Highlight
- Highlight: Jack Bone + Menoth White Highlight
Reveal time! Did you guess right? The answer is Sanguine! Good on ya if you guessed right. Here's how I generally do my Sanguine:
- Sanguine Base
- Sanguine Base + Exile Blue
- Sanguine Highlight
- Sanguine Highlight + Menoth White Highlight
Also shown here is the front of his leotard-like thing (not sure what the name if it is). Here's the back of it:
It's all very subtle, and composed entirely of highlights. Here's how I did it:
- Thamar Black Base
- Thamar Black + Coal Black
- Coal Black
- Coal Black + Menoth White Highlight
- Same as 4, but a little more MWH
I've done this before, as can be seen on my Siege Animantarix post. I love how subtle it comes out, because that's generally how black is on actual clothes. In both of those pictures, you can see his shield. That was a fun thing to paint. I actually did my own mix from shade to highlight, and I quite like it. It went like this:
- Base: Gun Corps Brown
- Shade: Devlan Mud Wash (which sadly isn't made anymore. GW!)
- Highlight: Gun Corps Brown + Jack Bone
- Highlight: Jack Bone
Also shown is his axe, which follows the same pattern. I tried to simulate blood splatter, as if he's just coming out of a battle and hasn't had time to clean his axe. I did this by watering down some Red Ink and flicking it across the axe. Same with the shield. I think it looks decent. Also, fingernails! Done with MWH.
As I was writing this post, I realized that I'm really close to finishing Sir Goat. all I have to do is his rune necklace, his eyes, and a little bit on his snout and mouth (maybe, still debating that). Then I can get to work on his base! I always find it funny in everything that you do, when you start you think it's going to take a long time, and then you start working on it bit by bit, and before you know it, you're nearly done! The base is going to be fun, I've got a couple ideas for it, if I can find a decent drybrush out of my collection. Until next time folks.