Tuesday, August 7, 2012

War Room

Well a little break from the norm of the coolness that is mini painting.  I was kind of intrigued by the news surrounding War Room.  So I picked it up and well....    

     I have to say I am not at all impressed with the new War Room App.  All the waiting for this...?  And $7 down the drain for my Khador deck.  While having all the cards for your faction is great.  The app over all is very clunky.  The army building process is an extreme let down it is quite tedious requiring you to manually switch from Warcaster, to Unit, to solo, to attachment, all the while keeping track of how many points you have left.  I think I could honestly build my army faster with my own deck of cards. :P   I think PP really needs to look at the old iBodger app and try to implement the same smoothness in army building with this new app.  Right now it is just too clunky and slow for me to use.  Played around with it for a few hours yesterday, just got frustrated with it, and went back to list building on iBodger. 

    As far as the in game usage, sure its great to be able to mark damage grids on your iPhone and check stats and the like, it just seems a bit too... clunky... If you tap the wrong spot on the stat line, you get a brief rules overview, if you tap another spot you get the card view, about the 4th time I tapped the stat line I was finally able to bring up a damage grid. Bleh, just seems wildly in efficient.

   While I can see there may be one or two benefits to this App, overall I think I'd have to give it a D.  Really want my $7 back to be honest.  Sorry, thats just my opinion on the App.

Any other opinions, please feel free to comment.

Thanks for watching!
