Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 Most influential men in Computer Field

This post gives a small introduction to the most influential people in computer field.

1.Charles Babbage : He is known as Father of Computers. He was an English Mathematician ,mechanical engineer who invented the first mechanical computer. His invention led to the growth of modern computers. Read more about him at

2.John von Neumann :He was a Hungarian American mathematician who gave the architecture of a modern digital computers which is know as von Neumann architecture .This architecture is used even today from desktop computers to the super computers. Read more about him at

3.Gordon Moore : He is one-of pioneer in the field of semi conductors and co-founder of Intel .His biggest contribution is the Moore Law which described how the speed of processor increases with the number of transistors. It his vision which made possible Intel to create the fastest microprocessors. Read more about him at .

4.Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson : They are the creator of Unix ,a widely used OS and the father of Linux. The another contribution of Dennis Ritchie is the “C programming language “ which changed the way of programming.Read more about them at

5.Richard Stallman :Father of Free software movement .Its his vision that is the driving force behind the Free and open source software .He also founded the GNU which is a non-profit organization which makes the tools for Linux and Unix. Read more about him at .

6.Bill Gates : Co-founder of Microsoft. His vision of “a desktop of every desk” is greatly achieved by the Windows operating system which best known for its easy usability. Read more about him at

7.Bill Joy : He is a computer scientist from America. He is one of the co-founder of Sun MicroSystems. He created a Unix shell called 'C shell' at the age of 17!!!.The shell became famous as “Joy of Unix”.His other contributions are vi editor(the most popular editor in Unix and Linux),Java,BSD Unix,TCP/IP stack which made Internet possible .Read more about him at

8.Linus Torvalds : He is Finnish software engineer who created the Linux kernal in 6 months!!.Linux changed the computer industry with storm since it runs in a small hand help phone to a big super server computer .Read more about him at

9.Larry Page and Sergey Brin : The founders of the Internet search engine Google. Their vision of “organizing the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful “ is greatly achieved by the Google search engine.

The Google changed the face of Web. It made every one to have access to the information which is benefiting the millions and millions of the people throughout the world. Read more at

10.Mark Shuttleworth :Founder of canonical Ltd which provides the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu played a major role in bringing Linux to the desktop. It is know for its usability and stability. Read more about him at

Next post is about woman at Informatic's History. See you soon...
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