Thursday, July 5, 2007

...Holy Freaking Moly!!! He's posted!!!!

Sad isn't it? I don't know what my issue is, but I always start one of these here blog thingies and then I just sort of disappear. Well not this time pal!!! I won't hear of it! I won't just fade away from your memory like the name of your kindergarten teacher... Mrs. um.... uh.... whatevertheheckhernamewas! I plan to at least give this here posting thing the 'ol college try' and see what happens. Of course I realize that anybody that may have ever even had a remote interest in reading this Rumpelstiltskin of a blog has long since forsaken it and given it up for dead. Aah well. at least this way I will no longer feel the burden of needing to sound intelligent or the desire to impart something of substance to validate theirs as well as my existence.

Wooo Hoooo!

That is all....