Friday, February 8, 2013

WIP for IMC - Wrong Eye and Snapjaw

Thought I would throw up a progress shot of the WIP I am doing for the Inter-Mountain Cup. This will be one of the prizes that will be given away at the event. The belly of Snapjaw is pretty much done. I just finished the first wash on the scales. I plan on doing at least one more wash on the scales. It will be a darker green and a bit more watered down. After that I will see how it goes before I decided to do another one.


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I started out painting the none clothing part yellow. That was my base and I was going to layer up from there.

I did a light brown wash over the belly area. Followed by a darker wash where I just touched up in some of the deeper crevices and lower on the belly area. Then I came back with the yellow and did some touch ups. Last I used a pale yellow for highlights.

At this point I am at the first wash on the scales. I used a medium green. I am going to go at least one darker and then see how it looks. The next wash will be thinner, more like a glaze.

Hope you enjoy. If you have any questions or comments let me know.
