Tuesday, December 25, 2012

International Christmas Ads 2012 (Part 3)

It's Christmas Day, and I have nothing to do this evening!! (Well I do, like watching TV and stuff, but that can wait for the moment!).

This will be my final International Christmas ad post for 2012.

So, which country to start off with???

Hong Kong - IKEA毛公仔祝您聖誕快樂!"Wish You All A Merry X'mas". (It actually means: "Soft toys wishing you a merry Christmas). Yay!! I found the Hong Kong IKEA ad!! It was released on the 22nd December on YouTube, so I'm glad I waited. This is a cutsey ad. It's similar to the Malaysian / Singapore one. Soft toys and IKEA items are used and they are saying thanks for purchasing the soft toys, as the money goes to kids who cannot pay for their education. In Hong Kong, you have to pay for your education!

China - Dove Chocolate 德芙-房祖名分享篇. Awww!! Mega cute, lovey dovey ad!! Dove is actually called Galaxy in the UK. I have no idea why they've given it another name for the international market. And Dove in the UK is a soap brand! Anyway, this ad is great. I think it's part of a series of Dove Chocolate ads in China. The guy in the ad goes and visits his potential girlfriend and gives a box of Dove Chocolates to her... But then she gives the chocolates to her friends who are at her house partying, she then asks the guy where are her chocolates... Poor guy! He has to go and buy another box of Dove Chocolates! :D I love this ad!!

There's more.....

Hungary T-Mobile Szitál a hó. I thought T-Mobile have switched to EE with Orange!! Clearly not all around the world it hasn't. Well, this is a nice ad from T-Mobile. I love the song. And they are "advertising" some phones in the ad. But I think it's about price plans again!

Iceland - Tengjum saman jólin - Vodafone (Join Together at Christmas). Oooh! This is a different type of ad from Vodafone. Clearly Iceland has a very musical taste to their ads. Very Christmas-y with a school concert and showing people that they can connect to other parts of Iceland by recording videos and sending them across! Nice ad! I like!

Korea - 김수현 뚜레쥬르  (Kim Soo-hyun in Tous les Jours). Awww. I never knew Korea has a Winter Wonderland!! This is my type of ad. A cute guy (Kim Soo-hyun) is on the train dreaming of going to Winter Wonderland. But this ad is actually about the Korean bakery Tous les Jours. Yes, it's confusing! Well for me it was... As you can see at the end of the ad they show Christmas cakes, which confused me as I thought it was about Winter Wonderland. But anyway, this is a good ad.

Searching for the Scandinavian ones... For some reason they are very hard to find!! Anyway I found this one...

Denmark - Fisketorvet Shopping Mall. Ack. Santa is a thief!! Not really. This Danish Santa goes into the Fisketorvet Shopping Mall in Copenhagen to play with toys and check out the latest sprays etc, etc. He is actually all alone looking for gifts. And somehow at the very end of the ad he ends up with all these shopping bags and gift boxes. Was there a person at the checkout? Because it looked like the shopping mall was closed. Must be a self checkout in there! Hahahah!!

Portugal - Lojas CEM. From all the Portuguese Christmas ads, I had to choose this one to show. Well. What can I say. Lojas CEM is a an electronic store like COMET or PC World in the UK. This advert seemed to have advertised one or two items from its sotre, and all I could see in this advert were too many people smiling, and showing off their teeth. What's with this advert?! Not a very good advert I'm afraid... :(

Slovakia - Raffaello - Viac nez tisic slov (More than a thousand words). Aww. This is a nice ad. In this ad the handsome husband picks up a box of Raffaelo before he goes home to his family. The pretty wife is decorating the tree with her children who passes the decorations to their mother. The wife has her back turned away, and doesn't realise her husband is home who hands over the box of Raffaelo into her hand whilst she is still decorating. Pretty ad! I like it! ^_^

Spain - Burguer King - Merry Cheesemas (Burger King). Ok Spaniards. It doesn't snow in Spain. That's what caught my attention at the start of this advert... Or does it really snow over there...?! Anyway. This is a cheesy advert from Burger King, Spain. I still think the Spaniards talk so fast. Not sure what the girls are saying and what the boyfriend at the end with the shiny teeth is meant to be there for... It's a cheesy ad.

Turkey - Noel Baba da Media Markt'a bakmadan almıyor! (Santa does not look at the Media Markt - that's what I think it means). Right. Turkey got their weather conditions right in this ad, because it doesn't snow over there too! But what makes me laugh about this ad is that there's a doctor trying to cure Santa! I guess this Turkish Santa couldn't find presents this year to give around and has no money to buy them because he's busking on the streets of Turkey! And so the doctor had to take him to Media Markt where he found loads of presents! Hah! Funny advert!

And to round off this post with one last cheesy advert from...

Hong Kong - 3M Command. Yes. Hong Kong have cheesy ads too. 3M Command is a company that sells adhesive hooks that stick onto walls. So in this ad the wife says to her husband that there is no need to use nails (as it will leave holes) to hang their Christmas decorations but to use 3M Command's adhesive hooks! Oh my... (Don't worry I have seen worse Hong Kong ads in the past)... 

And there you go. That's all my searching done for the evening!

Hope you all have had a nice Christmas and have enjoyed reading this post...

Why not read my other International Christmas advert posts: