Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl, jump...

It' strange, I remember watching Yellowbeard and finding it incredibly funny, it was one of those movies I used to watch over and over again.

Eventually my old VHS tape died so it's been several years since I've seen the movie, I finally bought the DVD this week and it was a nice widescreen print in pretty good condition ( the first time I'd seen the movie in widescreen ) but I just wasn't as amused by the film as I once had been, it still has some funny moments but I guess the movie just hasn't aged all that well ( or I haven't ).

Yellowbeard is certainly worth a look, it's features a pretty amazing cast including a few members of the Monty Python team, it'd be interesting to know what someone who saw the movie for the first time thought of it.