Sunday, June 23, 2013
Run Lola Run
I've always enjoyed this movie, it's a seemingly simple idea on the surface but when you get right down to it a lot of though had actually been put into this film and despite it's obvious low budget I think it works really well, it certainly goes to show you don't need to spend ten of millions of dollars to make a clever and enjoyable film.
One slightly annoying thing about the Blu-ray release is the fact that the disc defaults to the English dub instead of the original language, being lazy I left it in English for about 10 minutes, it has to be one of the worst dubbing jobs I've heard in ages, I guess if you wanted a bit of a laugh it might be worth giving it a listen.
I really enjoyed seeing Run Lola Run again and it looked pretty good on Blu-ray and it was so ridiculously cheap as well, there really is no excuse for not having seen it anymore, not when you can own the movie for slightly more than the cost of renting it ( in Australia anyway ).