Friday, August 19, 2011


A friend of mine came around to watch a movie last night, he really wanted to see Paul so we fired up the Blu-ray and gave it a watch.

Paul is a movie it would seem I was destined to love, I've always enjoyed the comedic partnership between Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in all their previous work especially Spaced but somehow despite it's subject matter Paul just doesn't work for me, maybe it was because Edgar Wright didn't direct the duo like he did in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz along with Spaced on television, perhaps it's because this was a larger budgeted production set in America so it lacks the atmosphere of their previous work or a combination of both but for me there just seemed to be something lacking.

Paul does feature some genuinely funny moments but they are few and far between but despite that it's still far from the worst movie I've seen recently and I'm still interested to see what Pegg and Frost do next.