Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm not wasted, acting crazy, making a scene, like it's my Birthday

Good Charlotte word play, got to love it!

17 years old... emphasis on old

I know that, technically, I'm pretty young, but I feel really old!

Woke up feeling like... well... bleh.

Got much better as the day went on, realised how awesome my friends and family are!

My yummy cake.
I haven't ate it yet. Too pretty.

I love this photo, me and my Mum ^_^

I was spoiled. As always. Don't even know what I did to deserve my friends and family, but whatever it was, I'm thankful I did it!

Megan gave me my second checked scarf (which I love) and my transformation from "average" to "emo" is now complete.

Don't believe me? Ask Halle. She commented on emo-ness on Wednesday (which... I still need to blog about. SO FAR BEHIND).

Oh fellow emo kids... 
We are so misunderstood.

Lauren xxx

P.S. I'm not really "emo"... I just love the music, the fashion and the mentality. 
P.P.S. So maybe I am emo... But I dislike labels!